Denontations: A desserted, empty field with a faint landscape of buildings in the middle. In the middle of the field is a jacket hanging on a stick.
Connotations: Could be linked to death and how someone died in that place so there jacket is there to symbolise their presence.
IPOX studios
Denotations: a man laying with his hand reaching out and his head tilted and eyes shut. He appears to be laying water but because of the manipulation the picture has gone through, it doesn't look very clear to us where he is placed.
Connotations: This has a strong connotation of loneliness to me because of the fact that he is reaching out to nothing with a restless expression on his face.
Kristine Hojilla
Denotations: this is a low key lighting portrait with an emphasis on all the dark tones. His hat shadows cover his eyes but we can see that he is looking up.
Connotations: To me, the dark tones create an eery and mysterious mood because of the fact that we cant see all of him. Because he is looking up, it creates quite a distressed connotation.
Adam Mikulski
Denotations: This picture shows a 'free oxygen' tank with a man in a suit using it through a gas mask, and bare legs sticking out on the ground from the tank.
Connotations: This picture shows the difference between rich and poor. And the discrimination between them. It shows how the poor go through sufferings to benefit the poor. In this example it states how the poor die so the rich have oxygen. We can see the link to rich and poor because the legs on the floor are bare whereas the man is in a suit and seems more well groomed.
Thomas Baunsgaard
Denotations: a man wrapped in mummy inspired sheets with his hands crossed over his chest. All we can see is their eye and they have a heart drawn onto their hand. In the background there is also a faint heart on the wall.
Connotations: This picture to me gives off a strong feeling of entrapment, this is because of the way he is tightly wrapped and appears stuck. This could relate to the love aspect in a sense that when someone is in love, they could feel trapped inside their own desires with no way out.

Denotations: someone attempting to put frayed string through a needle with dirty hands.
Connotations: This picture represents that no matter how difficult the task, at even at times it can seem impossible, you shouldn't stop at anything to complete it.
Denotations: a girl with blue skin eating a bowl of smurf toys as if they were cereal.
Connotations: 'you are what you eat'
Connotations: a girl sitting on a decking looking down into a lake holding a heart shaped balloon.
Denotations: To me, this picture has a very dull and muted effect, giving quite a lonely feel. I think the fact that the balloon is in red and is the main source of colour in the picture, could represent how sometimes love is the only joy in peoples lives and it keeps them going through the tough times.
Ronen Goldman

Denotations:a girl in a bright green dress trying to navigate her way around with a blindfold on.
Connotations: that sometimes people feel like they are lost in unknown settings.
Jonas Kekko
Denotations: a girl hovering above ground in a forest with a lamp shade over her head.
Connotatins: 'bright ideas'
Javad Rooein
Dentations: a man with no head sitting at a table with an empty bowl.
Connotations: to me, this picture has a strong atmosphere of emptiness and dissatisfaction
Adrian Donoghue
Denotations: a girl walking down a pathway and a man looking at her from a distance
Connotations: very eery and mysterious mood created by the lighting. It appears that he is admiring her, maybe it represents someone who wants another but cannot have them.
Miquel Planells
Denotations: a man at the top of a staircase leading into the sky.
Connotations: It appears to represent a staircase to heaven. But the fact that we cannot see where it leads could portray how no one is sure of what is beyond life.
Timothy Tinchy
Denotations: a wood based toy figure filming a human acting as a a doll in a studio.
Connotations: This picture shows a parallel and backwards paradox where the doll is the human filming, and the human is the doll. I think it represents how sometimes, as a race, we forget to think about how things would be if the tables were turned.
Clifton Lofthouse

Denotations: a man with rustic clothes on and a high tech glasses device.
Connotations; there is a bit of controversy because his clothes hint that he is old fashioned however his glasses show a futuristic aspect.
please expand on these posts and also ensure you have a good understanding of what connotation, denotation and context is.