"waiting for the light"
This picture, to me, has a lot of depth in it's connotations. The denotations of a man sitting alone outside on a dreary day, holding his arms out to the atmosphere, portrays hope to me when I look at this image. It shows how no matter how much the world shows you something is gone (the light) all we can do, is hope that it will return. I think this is quite a powerful message and in todays society, the light represents our inspiration and faith, and when it isn't here, we forget it was ever there. I therefore really like this image and think it creates a strong atmosphere and represents something quite important in todays population. I really like the depth that this picture shows, especially in the trees because of the way the mist in the sky appears to gradually over power the trees the further back they go, this adds a mystical effect to the picture, this also makes the background seem quite blurred and unfocused, but because the man is in focus and is sitting nearer to the lens, this makes him stand out a lot more.

"anonymous world"
This to me is very conceptual as it has a lot of meaning to it. It shows an issue that is very common in this age and it is continuously increasing. It is the issue of everyone being too obsessed in their online and digital life, through their phones and laptops. It shows how we indulge so much into this world thats increasingly taking over, that we forget to look around and we are making ourselves strangers to each other. I really like how he has used the paper bags to show how people don't even notice the people they are with anymore and we are all just faceless figures giving and conforming into this lifestyle. He appears to have out a vignette on this picture, this makes the people quite highlighted and it draws our attention to them.
"thinking about the future"
The denotations of this picture shows a man sitting beside a river, looking into the distance. The connotations, to me, suggest how people can get lost in thought about their future, and sometimes this stops us from living the present to the fullest. I think the fact that he is all alone, by a river, it has quite a tranquil effect, making him look very peaceful and calm in his thoughts. In my opinion, this picture is underexposed and the dark tones and shadows are very overpowering, in the rest of his pictures they are less dark but not in this one and I think they should be slightly less dark so we can see the person better as we cannot see much of him.

"free oxygen"
This picture, to me, is very powerful. It shows a man taking oxygen from a box and there is what appears to be a dead body that is feeding into the oxygen machine. The legs on the floor are bare and the man is in a suit and looks well groomed. I think this has the connotations of rich and poor, and how the poor have to make sacrifices in order to please the rich. It represents the differentiation between the two and ho
good research you should elaborate further wrt to the denotations and connotations associated with each image e.g. vignette, tone, depth, etc and the connotation meaning surrealism …etc.